I received Ph.D. in Chinese linguistics from the University of California, Los Angeles, and teach at Northwestern University as an Assistant Professor of Instruction.
My research uses methods in Conversation Analysis, Interactional Linguistics, and Corpus Linguistics to analyze how conversation participants perform social actions (speech acts) in real-time interaction, including their linguistic formulation, visual and prosodic productions, and sequential positions.
An important component of my research on social interaction is to understand how participants navigate interpersonal relationships through linguistic and conversational practices, such as identity, knowledge, and power.
I work with naturally-occurring conversational data in various sociocultural contexts, including everyday conversation, classroom interaction, and political interviews.
As an instructor, I have extensive experience in teaching Mandarin at all levels and in undergraduate linguistics courses. I enjoy working with students from diverse backgrounds and strive to create an inclusive learning community where everyone feels supported, respected, and appreciated.